I have been struggling with this for quite some time. I cannot get the system to balance default printers. Some info...
- View 5.1
- Linked Clone Pool - Windows 7
- Mix of users
- Users connecting directly to connection broker. These users have network printers with defaults set by GPO.
- Users connecting via security server. These users have local printers with connection/default set by thinprint.
The above is what I want but not always what I get. I often find that TP will change the default printer for the direct users... usually to PDF creator. Oddly, it only does this sometimes and not for all users.
I have tried changing registry entries in two places but neither give great results...
- Client-side. Changing the defaultstate and others in the HKCU entries to 0 to stop TP from connecting local printers. This will work on occasion but is by no means consistent and also a pain to manage. It works for the most part but then I will get the odd PC that doesn't map through local printers but still changes the default in the session.
- VD-side. Changing the reg entry for FORCEWTS in the HKLM will stop TP from changing the default without fail but also seems to break things for those coming in via the security server who want TP to work.
As of now, the only answer I can think of is seperate pools for the two user types but I would really rather not.
Any suggestions welcome. Please ask if you need more info. I hope my ramblings made sense.