Has anyone else experienced black screen/protocol errors (externally) after doing mid-July Windows Updates on an internal connection server and my manual VM?
I think the issue is related to: KB2840631 (on WinSvr2008) and KB2844286 (on Windows 7). My manual VM stopped connecting immediately after I installed this update and tried to connect to it externally. I then tried with a linked clone - got a fail. I immediately uninstalled the patch (KB2840631) on the CS and tried again - both went right through. Note here that I never updated the linked clones.
Funny how the patch is installed on the CS that is NOT Associated with the Security Server -- I have a separate connection server paired with the security server.
Also see that there are lots of posts of problems (namely Sharepoint) with this update:
Anyone else experiencing this issue? I've been running clean for 11 months without any issues, do updates, get this problem.
Running View 5.1.2 build-928164. Windows 7 VMs.