did anybody switched the vCenter Server underneath a View Environment bevor?
I do have a vCenter Server 5.0 with View 5.x and i have to move the vCenter onto a new Windows Server.
What are the keypoints to look at when a View Environment ist working on top of vCenter?
Disable Pool Provisioning and Refresh OS Disk on Logoff etc. have to be changed.
vCenter can be switched by doing the following steps
A) On the old Server
- Stopping vCenter Service
- Backup ADAM Database with dbsutil...
- I do not Backup the SSL Certificates on the old Server because I want to have new Certificates
B) On the new Server
- Setup System DSN for existing Database
- Install new vCenter Server and connecting to old Database
- Restart Server
- Since IP-Adress of the vCenter Server changes i have to edit the vpxa.cfg on the ESXi-Hosts
- Check the SQL-Rollup Jobs
- Restore ADAM Database
What have I forgotten and what else needs to be done within View Connection Server, Security Server and Composer?
Thanks in advanced