Hi everyone,
I'm having a hard time trying to recompose either an entire pool or a VM in the View Administrator.
The error I'm encountring is : "Provisioning error occurred for Machine xxxxxx : Refit operation resync failed", then the VM stops and i have to power it again via vSphere.
I tried to follow the VMware KB: Recomposing VMware View pool fails with error: Provisioning error occurred for Machine xxxxxx:Refit opera…, but no luck. My VC_CONFIG_ID is good in my SQL databse, and no change were recently made to my pools.
I've tried to recompose from an old snapshot which used to work : same error.
I've also tried to refresh then recompose, or reboot my View Composer server... same problem.
Please find attached the composer logs for this operation, featuring a FATAL error. I dit not find anything on this error yet...
Thank you in advance for your help.