Hi there,
We had some issues while we were doing recompose operation with some VM's, as a workaround what we do was to detach the persistent disk from those VM's and attach them to another.
By some reason, we had to do it manually by following VMware KB: Cannot detach a Persistent Disk in View Manager 4.5 and later
And then we end up doing a salad with VM's and persistent disk, by example:
VM02 - DISK1
VM02 - DISK03
VM03 - recompose failed
Now my main doubt is, if follow the procedure describbed on VMware KB: Manually deleting linked clones or stale virtual desktop entries from VMware View Manager and Horizon Vie… (I can ensure this does the job for manually clean rebel vm's) what happen if I delete VM03? Does that means that by following the procedure I also going to delete the DISK03 now attached to VM02?
I also tried to "recreate" with another disk just to try, but then the recompose operation fails and it was trying to attach the persistent disk to another vm aslo (like vm04 - disk 095), and then since that VM04 is hanged and I wanted to follow the manual procedure I'm not sure about the persistent disk.
Any idea or suggestion?
Thanks in advance!