I am planning my upgrade to Horizon View 5.3 (from 5.2). The process (taken from the View 5.2 Upgrade Document per Release Notes) is as follows (with questions/concerns in Red). Any thoughts, suggestions or answers are most welcome.
- Prep Standalone Composer (vCenter will not be upgraded from 5.1 at this time)
- Prep Connection server
- Prep Security Server
- Upgrade Composer
- Upgrade Connection Server
- Upgrade Security Server
- Upgrade Transfer Server??
- I have not seen a new Local Mode Client...is this step required right now?
- Will the current Local Mode Client work with View 5.3 Agent or do I need to keep the 5.2 Agent on all Local Mode desktops
- Upgrade View Agent and Feature Pack on Templates (sources for both Linked Clone and Full Clone pools)
- Upgrade View Agent on all Full Clone and Manual Desktops
- Because we have a large number of full clones, this process may take time. Will Desktop Sources with Agent 5.2 still be accessible after the back-end components are upgraded to 5.3 as long as the user is also using the current (or newest) client release?
- Will there be any problems with Full clone/Manual desktops during the interim period when the servers have been upgraded but the Agents and Feature Pack on the desktops have not?
- Recompose Linked Clone Pools
- Upgrade End-User clients
- Do we need a new client for Local Mode desktops? If so, when will a new Local Mode Client be available?
Thanks, O'Brien