I'm using Linux(Ubuntu12.04) as View Client.
I'm trying to use LocationBasePrint. I would like to make end users configure a default printer as well.
Because sometime users move floor in office and sometime they stay one floow for a while.
Since several departments locate in one floor, I would like to let them set their default printer when staying the floor.
A problem is, because of function as design, even if users configure own defult printer on virtual desktop(control panel>Printers> right click..),
after logoff from the virtual desktop, the default printer is changed back to a same printer as client's automatically.
If the view clients are Windows, I think I can use LocationBasePrint and http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2012770 (Disabling default printer redirection in View Clients).
However, as I mentioned at begining, clients are Linux.
Is there any KB like a KB2012770 for Linux? Or Is does someone have any idea to resolve this issue?
I would appreciate any comment.