Hi, we have come across an error where we are unable to get the density we should be able to on our Nvidia K1 cards. Specifically, with allocating 512MB of Video RAM to desktops, we are not approaching 64 VM's per GPU, as we should be able to. I have a case open with VMware and they have suggested that I should update my Nvidia drivers on ESXi host. Currently running 304.76-1OEM.510.0.0.802205, and I found the version 319.65-1OEM.510.0.0.802205 on the Nvidia site. If I try to run esxcli software vib install -v NVIDIA-VMware_ESXi_5.1_Host_Driver_319.65-1OEM.510.0.0.802205.vib then I get the error:
Error in running rm /tardisks/NVIDIA_V.v00:
Return code: 1
Output: rm: can't remove '/tardisks/NVIDIA_V.v00': Device or resource busy
If I try to run:
esxcli software vib remove --vibname=NVIDIA-VMware_ESXi_5.1_Host_Driver
then I get the same error.
All VM's are stopped and my host is in maintenance mode. How do I uninstall 304.76 driver so I can install 319.65 driver? Is there a service I need to stop first or something?