I am trying to use the Lync VDI plugin with PCoIP. It is working fine with RDP. I have check the bit values match on Office and the VM, both are 64bit. Looking at the logs they look exactly like what is happening in KB 2063769. I know the .adm template for View PCoIP Session Variables will set the key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \Policies \Teradici \PCoIP \pcoip_admin_defaults\pcoip.enable_vchan. The problem I am having though is I cannot get it set to 1. If I l set the Configure PCoIP virtual channels to disabled from the .adm and run gpupdate /force the key disappears. The other values I believe the .adm template sets are two and three. How can I get this key set to 1? I bet I am overlooking something very simple