I have been fighting with making a GoDaddy SSL certificate work all weekend, this is using View 5.1 (Release Candidate). I seem to be able to get the certificate imported properly into the keystore (have tried pkcs12 and jks) but when I edit the locked.properties it seems to ignore the keystore and new certificate and simply presents the HTTPS site using the self signed certificate created at install. I tried rekeying the certificate and generating a CSR based on the VMware KB that oulines the process that did not work. Most recently I am using this site which allows me to just export the pfx file from my working IIS server.
This all appears to work (says certificate imported correctly), I created a locked.properties and keystore.jks and rebooted the server. However when I go to the website I still get the original self signed certificate (with errors). My locked.properties file reads as follows:
keypass= <password>
I copied the keystore.jks file and locked.properties to the following path:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf
When I verify the jks file using C:\Users\sysrjo>keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\sslgateway\conf\keystore.jks" The certificate details appear to be contained within.
The only thing I see in the error logs is as follows:
Anyone else have this issue? I think my cert is actually fine I just cannot get the connection server to look at it.