I'll start by saying I have not been greatly impressed by PCoIP when compared to RDP. I want to like PCoIP but when compared to RDP, even on the LAN it just seems not as smooth. Maybe it's a misconfiguration or maybe I'm expecting too much...
With that, I have some experiences and questions:
- We have View 5.1.1 on vSphere 5.0 and are using Windows 7 SP1 VMs. I've totally uninstalled the VMware Tools and View Agent and reinstalled them the VMware Tools and then the View Agent (5.1.1). I connect to the View broker and I can login fine using PCoIP as the protocol
- I'm connecting via a Windows 7 SP1 Physical machine with the 5.1.1 View Client using 1x24" monitor and 100mb lan connection.
- Window dragging seems choppy, usable but choppy and not smooth at all
- I start the Wildlife.wmv video and it's not smooth at all, in fact it's extremly choppy, not really watchable. I can seen the pcoip_server.exe process running as well, I guess doing it's encoding
- Energy saving is set to Never turn off monitor in policy
- General performance is usebale but hardly desktop like smooth.
- The VM has 3GB of memory and 2 vCpu's.
What have I tried:
- I've optimised the W7 VM using the VMware best practices doc
- I've reinstalled the agents, tools then view agent
- I've added mks.poll.headlessRates to the config - minimal change and it's only 1 monitor
- The hosts are not stretched (Opteron's)
Am I expecting too much of the PCoIP protocol? The Wildlife.wmv video especially seems odd. I'm sure many of you have seen it. It's a 720p wmv that comes with W7. To me, that should be running smoothly, but im my PCoIP experience it has never run smoothly, from View 4 to 5.1.1. Should this video be running smoothly? It is quite large video, in terms of both res and bitrate but I would have thought PCoIP could handle this because it's pretty poor at the moment.
If I connect via RDP7 and RDP8 (now using RemoteFx), that WMV video is quite smooth. Generaly desktop window opening closing is smoother, just a better overall experience.
What else can I try to make PCoIP work?