We have a VMware View 5.1.2 build-928164 install with a floating POOL using View Persona. We have setup several other View installs with floating pools, but all with Windows 7, this is the first one running Windows XP.
As there does not appear to be a specific Windows XP script to apply to the MASTER, we just edited the Windows 7 one and applied it to the XP-MASTER. i.e. Set VSS to Auto, User Hive Clean-Up Service installed etc.
After performing a roll-out to the linked-clones the users cannot customise thier quick launch toolbar icons. Well, they can, however as soon as they shut down and logon (different VM from floating pool) the icons from the quick launch disapear.
Although, when attempting to turn the quick launch toolbar back on - it is already 'ticked', just not displaying.
Simply, unlicking the quick launch toolbar, and then re-clicking it, turns the toolbar back on and the user defined shortcut items appear.
This is a bit of a hassle for the end users to perforem every day, and there is obviously something wrong somewhere.
All of the other Persona aspects function corectly. i.e. Desktop icons sync between floating pool VM's.
Any suggestings would be most appriciated.