I'd like to know if I am interpreting these VSA stats correctly and/or if there is a better way to do this.
I'm running "vsish -e cat /vmkModules/cbrc_filter/dcacheStats" to obtain my stats (see bottom)
Am I correct in thinking that the "VM issued read IO count" - "Backend IO read count" = the IO served by Storage Accelerator cache?
Are there any other ways to get stats on how much benefit the VSA is giving?
CBRC cache statistics {
Cache chunk size:4096
Number of LRU lists:100
Number of hash buckets:5000
Total buffers:524288
Buffers with memory allocated:524288
Minimum requirement of alloced buffers:0
VMs using cache:1
VMs using active cache:1
Stats counters:Data cache counters {
Active buffers:0
Buffer invalidations:1984339
Evicts of valid buffers:1984339
Evicts of valid buffers during getfreebuf:1984339
VM issued read io count:2277260
VM issued write io count:3348461
Read io count within cache limits:2276764
Write io count within cache limits:3348461
Backend io read count:1505926
Backend io write count:3348461
Abort count:0
Reset count:0
Digest not found count:1081795
Skipped read count:496
Backened io read failures:0
Getfreebuf failures:0
On demand buf alloc failures:0
Deleted during fetch count:0
Transit during fetch count:64828
Transit Pop count:64828
Transit waits:0
Timeouts in buffer transit waits:0
Transit errors:0
Cache fill io errors:0
Copy to user buf errors:0
Races in getting free buffers:29603
Reclaimed buffers:0