I am attempting to get RTAV working using the 2.2 Linux client (latest available in the partners repo). The only place it appears to be available is through the Ubuntu partners repository. Right now, I am simply trying to confirm whether or not the RTAV components are included in the client distributed through Ubuntu.
In this blog post: http://blogs.vmware.com/euc/2013/11/vmware-horizon-view-real-time-audio-video-rtav-part-2.html it states that it should "just work", but in the Linux Client Documentation at: https://www.vmware.com/pdf/horizon-view/horizon-view-client-linux-document.pdf regarding RTAV it states "Note that this feature is available only with the version of Horizon View Client for Linux provided by third-party vendors."
So, how do I get a copy of the latest available Linux client and be sure that it has RTAV support?