we are having a problem creating new pool or recomposing existing receiving this error "internal view composer error".
Here is our composer log:
2014-04-04 11:00:19,074 | 3 | DEBUG | ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil - Domain controller for domain XXXXX: dc name=XXXXXX ip=XXXXXXX site name=XXXXXXX
2014-04-04 11:00:19,105 | 3 | DEBUG | ServiceCore.DataObject.VcConfigEntryDo - Locking VC config entry c69f2348-8f53-4329-b854-3e2440454aa2 for opertion AddDeploymentGroup-be97cdd9-1b72-4393-affc-7819506fc6ed
2014-04-04 11:00:19,105 | 3 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: c69f2348-8f53-4329-b854-3e2440454aa2
2014-04-04 11:00:19,136 | 3 | DEBUG | CommonLib.Security.CertificateValidation - OnCertificateValidation is called. Rquest URI:
2014-04-04 11:00:19,136 | 3 | FATAL | CommonLib.Security.CertificateValidation - Validation fails due to null thumbprint. URL is
2014-04-04 11:00:19,136 | 3 | FATAL | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VimClientConnection - The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendAuthResetSignal(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, Exception exception)
What can i do to solve this error message.
Every action on view connection server that include view composer action doesn't work (delete desktop,delete poo,recompose desktop,create pool etc)+
Many thanks