Ever since upgrading to View 5.3 I have been getting these errors and it's beginning to drive me batty. I have a pretty simple environment (1 security server, 1 connection server, standalone composer, standard vSwitches).
Error messages:
Here is what I have done to troubleshoot:
- I did have a problem of having two Composers in the environment at one time (mostly because the uninstall of my coinstalled didn't actually uninstall like it was supposed to) but that appears to be now fixed.
- Originally I thought it was a problem with my template/snapshot, so I created a clone of my snapshot and used that to create a new pool, still errors.
- I have created a new Windows 8.1 VM and used that to create a new pool, still errors.
- I've deleted all pools and created new ones with my existing Windows 7 and new Windows 8.1 VM, still errors.
- I've tried a number of the fixes I've found via Google but they didn't seem to match exactly so the only one I really did was remove and add a new vNIC, still errors
What's really odd is that the desktops all work as expected, I just have these annoying messages filling up my vCenter logs so I'd like to get them cleaned up. Has anyone seen this or have any suggestions on what I can try?
Mike Pagan