hi all !
1- i have a dynamique clone pool of Windows 8.1 this pool is non persistants computers, the problème is each time a user login he see the welcome animation (last 1 minute) is there a way to remove it ?
2- my other probleme is more complex ... my lab is in the subnet 10.0.254.x et my production lan is 192.168.0.x from my lan i have acces to my lab without problems, but when i tried to connect from my lan with view client i get an error but if i put dns ip of my dc(dns server in my lab) it work! so i tried to edit my host file with all my lab server ip and full fqn name but it dont work ... does anyone have an idea to resolve my problem without installing a security server?
i use view version 6
1 dc (win2k8R2)
1 vcenter appliance
1 connection serveur
1 compser server
i use all the latest version available from vmware