Hi. I'm working with a University in implementing VMware View. One of the business requirements is that every student should have access to all lab machines. The other part of the requirement is that due to license restrictions, administration wants to restrict certain applications to a fixed number of users. For example. Application X is licensed for 30 seats. The instructor would like only the 30 students in that physical lab location at a certain time to be able to launch a desktop and use that application. Students who are in other physical lab locations should not be able to deplete the 30 licensees of that application. Restricting by AD security group won't work, as any number of students could have authorization to the lab. Using tags is not going to work.
View has Location Based Awareness capability. LBA is able to pass end-point data such as IP, MAC, etc to the virtual desktop. Could LBA data be passed to the broker, so the broker can make additional decisions on pool entitlement, other than just AD user/group. For example, it would be great if View could say if the MAC address of the end-point device falls within this range, and the user is a member of this AD group, they are entitled to the pool.
If anyone has any suggestions on restricting app usage based on license usage, could you please share?