Hi there,
We would like to upgrade our View system from 4.6 to 5.3. I have read the various documents from VMware for Obtaining SSL certs and the View Horizon Upgrade Doc but I am still a little confused with how many certificates I need to get signed by a CA (external CA)
We have the following:
2x Connection Servers
1x Security server
1x vCenter Server and Composer
We are thinking of purchasing a SAM cert as opposed to individual certs so would a SAM cert which allows five different FQDN server names be enough?
I believe I only need one certificate for the vCenter server and composer as they are on the same server
Would I need 2 names for the 2 connection servers (1 for each)
Would I need 2 for the single security server; one internal DNS name and one external DNS name???????
If the above is correct, I would need 5 different certs or a SAN cert which allows five different DNS entries in it?
Please could someone confirm. I am especially confused about the Security Server; does the one server need 2 certs/names???
Thanks in advance