Hi everyone,
i didn't find something that specific - yet i find it pretty useful.
For audit purposes we had to identify users that did not login for more than 90 days (one part of our cleanup strategy).
I also posted this on my Blog: http://beutler.nl/viewcli-find-users-assigned-vm-login-90-days/
Basically this script will query the configured Database Server (in this case a MS SQL 2012 server) and result all users that did not login for more than 90 days (but not longer than 180 days).
Please note it does not work (because i lack the knowledge) to identify machine names from users that have more than 2 machines assigned.
In this case you will just see a System.Object[] as return. You can still query those manually with: "get-desktopVM | where { $_.user_displayname -eq “domain\username” }".
It is also logging the broker logins and not the agent logins. This is important for us as it shows the user is still active even though he might not have logged in to a VM.
Hopefully its useful for one or the other.
Please check below mentioned comments to be sure that you modify all necessary variables / parts of the code.
If you have any recommendations or tweaks let me know!
Check environment for users login times and get machines with no login since more than 90days.
#generate a timestamp that can be used in filename
Function logstamp {
if ($mo.length -lt 2) {
$mo="0"+$mo #pad single digit months with leading zero
if ($dy.length -lt 2) {
$dy="0"+$dy #pad single digit day with leading zero
if ($hr.length -lt 2) {
$hr="0"+$hr #pad single digit hour with leading zero
if ($mi.length -lt 2) {
$mi="0"+$mi #pad single digit minute with leading zero
Write-Output $yr$mo$dy$hr$mi
#variables - modify accordingly
$dbserver = ""
$user = ""
$pwd = read-host 'View Event DB Password' -AsSecureString
$database = "VIEWEVENTS"
$connectionString = "Server=$dbserver;uid=$user; pwd=$pwd;Database=$database;Integrated Security=False;"
$domain = ""
#this query actually gets all users that did not login between today and -90 days but before -90 days until -180 days.
#you could choose to increase or decrease the -180 as you want.
$query =
SELECT ModuleAndEventText
FROM VE_event_historical
WHERE (EventType = 'BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN') AND (Time BETWEEN dateadd(day,-180,getdate()) AND dateadd(day,-90,getdate()))
SELECT ModuleAndEventText
FROM VE_event_historical
WHERE (EventType = 'BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN') AND (Time BETWEEN dateadd(day,-90,getdate()) AND dateadd(day,0,getdate()))
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $query
$result = $command.ExecuteReader()
$table = new-object “System.Data.DataTable”
$properties = @{UserID = ''; VM=''}
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties
$table | foreach-object {
$objloop = $object.PSObject.Copy()
#make sure to edit the 2nd -replace to match your domain
$objloop.UserID = $_.ModuleAndEventText -replace " has logged in", "" -replace "User domain\\", ""
$objloop.VM = get-desktopvm | where { $_.user_displayname -eq "$domain\$($objloop.UserID)" } | Select-Object -exp Name
$collection += $objloop
write-output "Logging output to InactiveDesktops_$timestamp.csv"
$timestamp = logstamp
$filename = "InactiveDesktops_$timestamp.csv"
$collection | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation