All components of a ESXi host are virtualized. You have a vNIC, VRAM and vCPU. For this last, however, the virtualisation is not "full".
The name, model and frequency of CPU are shown in guest OS.
The problem happens when you changed ESXi hardware with new CPUs. When you do this, the next time you boot, Windows 7 detects new CPU, install it, and ask you to reboot. And if you have llinked clone this is endless : you reboot, VM is refreshed, restart, re-install CPU and ask you to reboot...
Your only solution is to boot master, install CPUs, reboot master and recompose your pool.
I have forgot something ? My configuration is wrong ? What should I do ?
Using diffrent CPU model in ESXi in the same cluster is therefore not possible ?
It would be nice if someone can give me some informations about how this work, why, and how do you do if possible
Thanks a lot in advance