Running vSphere 5.1.0
View Administrator 5.1
Windows 7 32-bit desktop machines
Wyse P25 zero clients - firmware 4.1.2
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit
Both persistent & non-persistent pools
We have been running into this issue since going into production with our virtual environment (about 6 months now). I have finally documented the process that is causing us trouble. The issue is when a user doesn't change their password before their expiration date, they then become locked out and forced to change their password at log on but the process does not properly work. I went through this process with a test ID I knew was past its expiration. I attempted to log into the zero client and it immediately brought me to the screen with the username already filled in, Domain filled in, and the open fields for Old password: New password: and Confirm new password:. After entering the information I receive an error message stating "unknown user name or bad password", the only option is to click ok. It then brought me back to the screen to create a new password only now that this point the username field was blank and greyed out so I couldn't manually enter it. The user typically doesn't realize it and attempts to enter the old and new passwords again assuming they typed it in wrong the first time. After doing so, I then received the message "authentication can not proceed (missing parameter)" due to the user name filed being blank. Again the only option is to click OK, it then ended the process and brought me back to the first screen for the connection server field. Please see the attached images from documenting the process (forgive the quality, had to take them with my cell phone since there was no where to paste a screenshot) this is all what we have been hearing the users report. The even stranger thing about all of this is that it does infact change the password to what the user typed into the New password fields, but there is nothing hinting at this for the user to know, I only know because I have tested it many times. But usually by the time the user calls me to report their issues they have tried it multiple times and we cannot figure out which password the account is currently set at resulting in myself having to reset their password in Active Directory. *Note that when I choose the option "User must change password at next logon" in AD, this issue does not occur, it is only when the user passes their expiration date.