I'm having a weird issue and I'm pulling my hair out. I have a new pool of win7 machines that is not joining the domain at all when composing or recomposing. I'm using sysprep with a customization specification that I've used for previous pools without issues. I did a regular clone and used the customization specification and it all went well. I can fight my way through and get them joined to the domain via vcenter but thats not workable long term. Out of curiosity I logged into both while they were waiting to start their sysprep (right after they were cloned) and grabbed the sysprep.xml files. They are identical but with one major and important difference in the identification section of the sysprep.xml file. The view composer one, just looks like it wants to join the workgroup while the vcenter clone shows it wants to join the domain. (Details below) Is there a difference in the way composer handles the customization than vCenter?
This looks like what I'd expect (via the regular vcenter clone, details removed):
This is what the one on the linked clone desktops has, seems like a "well thars yer problem" kinda thing:
Any help/info is much appreciated.