I've recently had issues where if I disconnect from a VM (I have 3 dedicated VM's in different pools that show this behavior) and then try to reconnect, I get the "black screen" and then a disconnect message saying the connection attempt ended. looking in the VM logs, I see the following (note, all x.x.x.x are valid IP's that I edited from this post). googling the "tera disconnect cause host broker reconnect" error indicates its either some pre-startup/shutdown message that I don't understand, or that view thinks another connection attempt is simultaneously being made. has anyone seen this before? and how do you troubleshoot it? there isn't enough for me to respond to here. i'm assigned to this VM and unless someone has my random RSA FOB token, and also somehow tried to interrupt my connection 20-30 times across the past several days, I dont believe a second connection attempt is trying to be made every time this happens. I have found if I reboot the VM, I can then connect fine, but if I then disconnect and try to reconnect this issue comes back.
11/18/2014, 10:27:18.230> LVL:2 RC: 0
SERVER :server main: ViewAgent gave us a preferred connection address of 'x.x.x.x.
11/18/2014, 10:27:21.397> LVL:2 RC: 0
MGMT_SSIG :Received session INVITE (, 5C-26-0A-86-F0-7E, PRI: 0)
11/18/2014, 10:27:21.397> LVL:2 RC: 0
MGMT_SSIG :Client NATd address (x.x.x.x)
11/18/2014, 10:27:21.397> LVL:2 RC: 0
MGMT_SSIG :Local IP address (x.x.x.x
11/18/2014, 10:27:21.397> LVL:2 RC: 0
PSDP :PCoIP MTU size - negotiated: 1200
11/18/2014, 10:27:21.413> LVL:2 RC: 0
MGMT_SSIG :Session established successfully (x.x.x.x, 5C-26-0A-86-F0-7E, PRI: 0)
11/18/2014, 10:30:41.888> LVL:2 RC: 0
SERVER :server cleanup: tearing down pcoip with agent disconnect reason code(5) and waiting
11/18/2014, 10:30:41.888> LVL:1 RC: 0
11/18/2014, 10:30:41.888> LVL:0 RC: 0 MGMT_SESS :Tearing down the session
11/18/2014, 10:30:41.888> LVL:2 RC: 0
MGMT_PERF_MON :mgmt_perf_mon_timer_cback: calling UnmapViewOfFile...
11/18/2014, 10:30:41.888> LVL:1 RC: 1
MGMT_SYS :tera_mgmt_sys_exit: tera_mgmt_perf_mon_stop() failed