Hi all,
We have created a new Horizon View 6 infrastructure which spans 2 remote data centres and linked together using the Cloud Pod Architecture feature.
Everything has gone fairly well and we have successfully created Global Entitlements which span the two view pods and tested this works correctly using the full client.
In the documentation, it states a current limitation of CPA is that HTML (Blast) access does not function.
Sure enough, if you try to access a HTML enabled pools with your Global Entitlement in place the following message is displayed:
"You cannot access your applications or desktops from the web client. Please install the VMware Horizon Client, version 3.0 or later."
So my question is (as we have several users we are looking to migrate to this platform that use and like the HTML access convenience), when it HTML (Blast) due to be supported in a Cloud Pod Architecture environment?
Many thanks for any information in advance!