Hi all,
I have an Horizon View 6 production envinronment (vCenter 5.5U2). Last month I have enabled VSAN on this vCenter and all seems green. I have created a new pool that points on vsandatastore for VMs provisioning, but after a minute, the pool goes disabled. The error is "Error during provisioning: PBM Subsystem couldn't be initialized."
I have searched on this forum and I have found only a post, but the error seems different.
I have noticed that, when I try to view the datastores list during pool creation, I receive an error like "java.lang.null.pointer.exception" (and I have noticed that the column Overcomittment is not present). After closed this popup, I select the datastore and press OK. But after a minute, when View Composer try the provisioning, I receive the error listed before.
Any idea?
Thanks to all!