I am trying to check out a 64-bit Windows 7 VM to run in Local Mode with the Horizon View client. This Windows 7 VM has VMwere Player installed which hosts a 64-bit Ubuntu Linux. On the vSphere server environment I have enabled exposing hardware virtualization (VT-x) for this Win 7 VM so that its nesting 64-bit Ubuntu VM can run. But once I have checked out this Win 7 VM to run in Local Mode, it has lost support of exposing VT-x so its nesting 64-bit Ubuntu would not run in the Player. The setting on the Win 7 VM of exposing VT-x (set on the vSphere server environment) seems to have been lost once this VM has been checked out to the Local Mode environment. Or maybe the View Client with Local Mode does not support the checked out VMs to expose VT-x? I am very sure that I have enabled VT-x in the BIOS of my client computer which runs the View Client with Local Mode.
To make what I said simpler:
vSphere (1) >>> Contains a 64-bit Win 7 VM (2) >>> Has VMware Player (3) installed >>> Contains a 64-bit Ubuntu (4)
"Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS" (VT-x) has been set on (2) so that (3) can run (4). But when (2) has been checked out to Local Mode, it does not expose VT-x any more so that (3) cannot run (4).
vSphere 5.5
Windows 7 VM version 9
View server 5.3.2
View Client with Local Mode 5.4