I am gonig to try at my View 5.1 infrastructure (two brokers with load balancing) install aditional replica broker. And after that install security broker which will be paired with newly installed broker. The final sceanrio will be two brokers for internal VDI and one replica paired with security broker for connection from outside of LAN. All brokers has same LDAP, pools and vCenter (view composer).
ESXi and vCenter are 5.0.
When i have launched installer and confirm for installation strange table with ssl warning appears (shown below). I cannot remember saw this warning with first installation of first two brokers. I do not know if I translate it corectly but screen say that my brokers wil go down until i renew or create new SSL certificate for brokers. I have for two installed brokers valid SSL certificate.
My installed brokers will go down?
It is necessary to create new ssl certificate for this new broker?
Is it going to be problem with my vcenter server?
Is ti possible install new replica and security broker without ssl?
Have I create new ssl certificate with "all names in" - alll brokers?
Sorry, maybe for stupid question, but I am not so familiar with SSL and certificate creation.
Maybe i am unnecessary scared but i do not go down whole VDI.
thanks for replies