So I have a pool which fails to register an active session when I connect to it since we updated to view 6.1
If I look at the event logs I see the following
Module: Connection Server: User <netuser> has logged in
Module: Connection Server: User <netuser> requested Pool vmdia
Module: Connection Server: User <netuser> requested Pool vmdia, allocated machine VMDIA001
Module: Agent: The agent running on machine VMDIA001 has accepted an allocated session for user <netuser>
The session starts just fine. My app volumes and writable volume connect and yet when I look at sessions nothing shows up.
If I look at the pool it still shows my vm as available.
If I leave for the day and attempt to connect to my session from home I get an which tells me the pciop protocol is not available.
If I try to connect to the session from any other location I get the same message until I force the vm to reboot. (A service restart might do it as well)
Any ideas what I should do? Our other pools are working just fine.