Hi Guys,
I am using view 6 and after DST, my dedicated pool desktops will stuck on start up after restarting.
All desktops worked well before. but after DST, and if any desktop restarts, the view manager will show that this desktop status is "startup" wait until 1 hour to change back to "Available". I checked view manager event and it shows below. have a look at the reporting time, it shows 7:03:51pm, but actually it is 6:03:51pm at that moment.
I did some research in google. somebody said this happens mostly in float pool with disconnect auto refresh setting. when people disconnect, desktop will auto refresh to basic snapshot, and that snapshot was created before DST, so the time is 1 hour forwards. so when desktop receives command to startup, it send startup message to connection server to tell connection server i am ready(with current desktop time which is one hour forwards), the connection server received this message , wait 1 hour then set desktop status to available.; So the solution would be: reconfigure gold master to correct time, and then recompose this pool.
The above explanation sounds reasonable. but my situation is different. Firstly my pool is dedicated pool, so there is not possible to get back to basic snapshot. secondly, all desktop joined domain, so time and date, tiemzone are sync with my active directory. I log into the desktop with error via console, and i see the desktop time, date, time zone are totally correct; but the latest VDM logs in C:\programdata\vmware\VDM\Logs is one hour forwards which means the view agent, or pcoip server/client does not know the DST time changing.
Does anyone met this problem before, and any suggestion? To recompose the dedicated pool is the last choice and a lot pain.