I've got a document management application from Laserfiche and a companion app called Connector that uses the Windows Accessibility API to link on-screen data in an application to a Laserfiche search. Laserfiche provides a tool to create a profile that identifies the application, window name (or URL if the app is IE) and the controls you want to use. When that app is active and on the window/URL you've specified, there's a small button Connector adds to the title bar of the app. Click the button and it scrapes the contents of the control you defined and passes that data to a Laserfiche search.
Works great on a physical desktop - not so much on my VDI desktops. The behavior there is erratic. Sometimes it gets window/control info, other times it seems not be hooking into any of the window data at all. Even trying to kill the app on a VDI desktop causes it to hang. I tried to isolate the problem by uninstalling the Horizon View Agent (6.0.1) on one of my desktops and viola, problem disappeared. The app consistently gets the window/control info it needs and works every time, so it looks like the View Agent is doing something that interferes with Connector getting the info (Windows messages?) it needs.
I have a ticket open with Laserfiche but I fully expect to get the "Not supported on View" answer, so I'm wondering if anyone else has had any similar issues with apps that use the Accessibility APIs, or if there is any "tuning" I can do with the View Agent to make Connector play nicely with View.