I am unable to get USB redirection to work in either windows 7 or windows 8 guests,from windows 7 or windows 8 clients. I believe the problem is related to the below excerpt from horizon log file on client
2014-08-19 13:11:57.030+-5:00 DEBUG (2CDC) [(null)] Creating new channel "1" to listener "Port1" for connection 1 of 0.
2014-08-19 13:11:57.050+-5:00 DEBUG (2CDC) [WinCDK] PCoIPWindow::OnMKSSizeChanged : new MKS size is (1024 x 768).
2014-08-19 13:11:58.536+-5:00 DEBUG (2CDC) [(null)] Error raising channel "1": Problem starting channel 1 for Port1: Failed to allocate onbound connection to java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information
2014-08-19 13:11:58.537+-5:00 DEBUG (293C) [vmware-view-usbd] CdkViewUsb_Log: ViewUsblib log: ViewUsb_FindDesktopFromHandle: handle=00000005, desktop=00000000
2014-08-19 13:11:58.537+-5:00 INFO (293C) [vmware-view-usbd] CdkViewUsb_Log: ViewUsblib log: ViewUsb_Error_CB: desktop found
2014-08-19 13:11:58.537+-5:00 ERROR (293C) [libcdk] CdkViewUsbCbFunc: callback called, reason=VIEWUSB_CB_ERROR, desktopHandle=03ACB280, msgId=213, msgString="IDS_DROPDOWN_DEVICES_NOT_AVAILABLE"
2014-08-19 13:11:58.537+-5:00 INFO (2CDC) [WinCDK] USBDevices::HandleUSBError : USB remoting is disabled for this desktop because the USB component is not available in the agent. The broker is 'fccwnwvdics01.frederick.edu'. The desktop is 'Windows7CE'.
Port 32111 is listening for connection on guest
I have checked and I can establish a connection on port 32111 using telnet between the client side and guest. We have teradici zero clients that work fine connected to the same pools/VMs
View agent is 5.3. Horizon view client is 3.0. Double checked policies in horizon view admin and everything is set to allow for USB redirection (at global level)