Hi all,
I configured2PODs, one in eachina site. EachPODhas2localpools: amainpooland a pool ofDR. I configuredtwoGlobalpoolscontaining respectly, in each POD, the firstlocal pool (primary) and the DR pool of the otherPOD. I setentitlements atgroup levelon the twoGlobalPoolsandhere ismy problem.
-If I do notconfigureany group homesite, when I turn offtheConnection Serversof the first site, the user receivesthe correctdesktop (from the DR pool) of the otherPOD(site).
-IfI specifyahome siteandrepeatthe above steps, the user will not receivesanydesktop(it's like Horizon Viewcontinues tolook it up insingleuserHomeSite).
Any ideas? Thanks...