We have recently installed a new View system at our home site in our VMware 5.5 server farm. The thin clients (HP 610) we use to run View perform great as local user stations and surf the Internet quite well over our 100Mb T-1. Obviously, that type of performance was to be expected from a local client. As we've started deploying our thin clients to some of our remote sites, (their desktops are being served to each thin client over a secure BOVPN connection from the remote sites firewalls to our home site), the users have began to complain more and about their thin units performance, especially when surfing the Internet. Recently, I had an opportunity to visit a remote site so I took a look a their complaints, especially surfing the Internet. When they were accessing apps and services hosted at our home site, the performance seemed adequate to me. When surfing the Internet, I had to agree with them. It is slower. When I examined the home site firewall's traffic monitor, it appeared the remote thin clients were surfing the Internet through the home site firewall instead of going out their own firewall. Has anyone else seen this and/or is this normal behavior? I realize the View VMs are running at our home site it would make sense for them to access the Internet as I've described. My question is, can I configure our remote thin clients to use their sites' own firewall for Internet access instead of our home site firewall? They should only be talking our home site for View and internal apps. Thanks in advance for any help. Everyone have a great 4th of July.