last week, in an attempt to upgrade my vCenter server from 5.5 to 6.0, the vCenter install blew up - the first step in the upgrade, SSO, I believe, failed and left the system in a dead state. Being a physical box, it's not as easy as taking a snapshot and reverting to that in the event of a meltdown. I tried to get it back, but I was unable to get vCenter to properly reinstall after that point, so I took the 'opportunity' to migrate away from the aging physical box and over to a new vCSA. I now have a vCSA 6 instance of vCenter running, all my hosts are migrated to it and everything is happy - except View.
In my researching, it seems that there is no way to migrate from one vCenter server to another. In order to remove the existing vCenter server, you need to delete the pools. In order to delete the pools, it needs to be able to contact the vCenter server. I tried adding a new pool that looks tot he new appliance, removing a few guests from view and putting them back under the new pool, but that did not work - they just sat at 'waiting for agent'. Near as I can tell, even THAT is not supported.
I don't have a huge View deployment, about a dozen VMs used for vdi, so unless someone has a better idea, it seems the best course of action will be to nuke the View server and rebuild it from scratch. I looked around to see where it might be looking for a DB and can't really find anything other than the ADAM database on the View Connection server. If I'm going that route, is there anything other than formatting the connection server and reloading it from scratch that I need to look out for to get a clean new install of view? Or is there some way for me to pull this out of the gutter that I haven't found?