Hi, we have a View 5.2 deployment with Win 7 desktops. In our VM's, the settings to make text larger & smaller, as well as any advanced display settings are all greyed out. I looked at the article here: VMware KB: Settings tab is not available in the display control panel of a View desktop in local mode or using PCoIP… and followed the steps. The policy is applying (I can see this by using RSOP.msc) however the items remain greyed out. I even tried modifying the registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\NoDispCPL to a value of 0 and rebooting, however when I reboot the machine the key value has been set back to 1.
So, obviously there is a policy somewhere that is doing this, does anyone have any idea of what group policy could affect this registry key? It could be a generic group policy, not necessarily the VMware one. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.