I am reading View 6.1 (and also 6.2) documentation where is stated that:
View supports at most one desktop session and one application session per user on an RDS host.
So in case where user needs concurrent access to multiple apps, you need to deploy multiple RDS hosts ?
Let say user needs app1, app2, and app3, then I need to deploy three RDS host all installed with all three apps and then the user will be able to access them simultaneously ? And each of the apps will be running on different RDS host.
If this is the case then the user will also have three separate user profiles, one on each RDS server. As I see it the only option is folder redirection for folders such as Desktop, myDocuments, Downloads, ... to enable sharing of data betwen those three apps.
Persona management or roaming profiles probably won't work at least not correctly, and single user profile disk can not be mounted on all three servers at the same time.
Is this correct ?