Hi all,
I recently observed below issue on 3 cluster View CS (version 5.3.4).
2015-11-19T08:28:58.812+01:00 DEBUG (0980-15E8) <PendingOperation-vm-22526> [PendingOperation] $Prof: Operation=commitReply@PendingOperation (Configuring), Object=VmPath:/DC/vm/Desktop_users/xxx/xxx2/VDI-31, Time=30005 ms
2015-11-19T08:28:58.812+01:00 DEBUG (0980-15E8) <PendingOperation-vm-22526> [PendingOperation] Handling failure to commit request.
2015-11-19T08:28:58.812+01:00 DEBUG (0980-15E8) <PendingOperation-vm-22526> [PendingOperation] Operation was not committed, forgetting: (PendingOperation: Configuring on /DC/vm/Desktop_users/xxx/xxx2/VDI-31 using cn=27216bd9-7763-410a-ab48-94420edf0da1,ou=virtualcenter,ou=properties,dc=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int)
2015-11-19T08:28:53.835+01:00 DEBUG (0980-1674) <PendingOperation-vm-22245> [PendingOperation] Node VIEWCS-03 didn't respond to request for Refitting on /DC/vm/Desktop_users/xxx/xxx2/VDI-17 - aborting, lockId: vm-22245
What I read from this log files is that View CS were veto-ing one another? At the end of the day there were no actions sent to vCenter - provisioning didn't not work, etc. While I solved this with some black magic (restarts of View CS and moving FSMO roles) I'd like to know how and why this occurs? There were no other ERRORs listed in log files...
And where does View save it's tasks to be sent to vCenter/vComposer?
2015-11-19T08:21:56.215+01:00 DEBUG (0980-0F0C) <propagate-27216bd9-7763-410a-ab48-94420edf0da1> [VirtualCenterDriver] Resubmitting a required operation: (PendingOperation: Resetting on /DC/vm/Desktop_users/xxx/xxx2/VDI-9 using cn=27216bd9-7763-410a-ab48-94420edf0da1,ou=virtualcenter,ou=properties,dc=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int)
2015-11-19T08:21:56.215+01:00 DEBUG (0980-0F0C) <propagate-27216bd9-7763-410a-ab48-94420edf0da1> [PendingOperation] Concurrent operation attempt on VDI-9 lockId: vm-21919, queuing for later
Where was above task queued? It must be outside ADAM instance?