If anyone has experience with this, I would appreciate some help. I have been trying everything I can find for three days, and it's still not working. I think I have a local authentication issue on the View Agent. The user included in both the Remote Desktop User group and the View Agent Direct-Connection Users group. There are no errors in the Event Logs, but there are errors in the VDM logs. The most suspicious one is the User 'WIN7B\user' not authorized (not local admin). I can not find a solution to fixing this error. The firewall is turned off.
Symptoms: Horizon View Client makes initial connection, logon sounds, black screen, time out. User is logged into remote machine after Horizon View connection failure, so part of the logon process completes.
Snip of Log Files on Agent machine:
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (04DC-0E10) <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [MessageFrameWork] MessageFrameWork Worker Added, Name=PCoIPVChan-APP(3608), Description=PCoIPVChan, Channel=0000000003F0E960
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (0E18-0A3C) <2620> [TPAutoConnect] pcoip_vchan_plugin_app_init2(): ready on session 1
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (04DC-0C84) <MessageChannel ReceiveThread> [MessageFrameWork] User 'WIN7B\user' not authorized (not local admin), queue=PCoIPVChan-SVR(1), hint=MESSAGE_IPC
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (04DC-0C84) <MessageChannel ReceiveThread> [MessageFrameWork] User 'WIN7B\user' not authorized (not local admin), queue=PCoIPVChan-SVR(1), hint=MESSAGE_IPC
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (04DC-0C84) <MessageChannel ReceiveThread> [MessageFrameWork] User 'WIN7B\user' not authorized (not local admin), queue=PCoIPVChan-SVR(1), hint=MESSAGE_IPC
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (0E18-110C) <VChanConnectionMonitor> [TPAutoConnect] VChanConnectionMonitor(): Failed to get PCoIP process ID (err=IPC_ERROR)
2015-12-11T14:21:16.102-06:00 DEBUG (04DC-0C84) <MessageChannel ReceiveThread> [MessageFrameWork] User 'WIN7B\user' not authorized (not local admin), queue=PCoIPVChan-SVR(1), hint=MESSAGE_IPC
What Works:
RDP connections through Horizon View Client, and Windows RDP Client.
Installed on Server:
ESXi 6.0
Windows 7 64 bit
And the following VMWare products:
Installed on the Client:
Window 8.1 desktop
What I am trying to demonstrate:
Portscan on Agent Machine:
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
443/tcp open https
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
554/tcp open rtsp
2869/tcp open icslap
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
4000/tcp open remoteanything
5357/tcp open wsdapi
9427/tcp open unknown
10243/tcp open unknown
22443/tcp open unknown
32111/tcp open unknown
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:92:C9:CF (VMware)
The entire debug log file is attached.