Hello all, I have the following equipment set up on View 6 for a POC to test vSGA and vDGA:
Dell R720
128 GIG of RAM
Dedicated Pool with Hardware rendering and max 512 mb of VRAM
The VDGA works flawless and we are using the Microsoft HTML5 Fishbowl test and Helloracer WEBGL.
When using the VSGA pool, if we connect via a Windows View Client at 1280x720p or so, the tests work fine. If we connect at 1920x1080, we have to run the graphics tests in a small window or the performance goes in the toilet. It's almost like soft and hard rendered switch off and on, even though we've hard set the rendering setting. We have been monitoring the usage of the GPUs via nvidia-smi but when we have a large browser window, the performance dives but the GPU is only hovering around 11-20%
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.