today I discovered some strange acting in case of pcoip and view client.
I've setup and successfully running horizon view for almost a year now.
Than I've implemented ssl connection with certificates. Horizon Blast is working like a charm
and connectiong via view client for android works as well. But if I try to connect to the view security server
with a windows client I get an error after login "tunnel connection could not be established".
I don't know if this helps, but my horizon instance is sitting behind a reverse proxy with SNI, so it can
handle all the certificate requests. In view administrator console everything is green and ready to use. I also enabled ssl connection
in the global rules. Ports 8443 and 4172 are also open and forwarded to the connection server.
I have no clue, why I can logon with an android client but not with a windows client?
It would be very nice, if someone can help me solving that problem.
Kind Regards