Hey all,
I've got a question about getting our load balancer up and running in our View 5.1 environment. I've followed KB article 2020913 to get our view servers up and running with SSL certificates. I'm in the process of getting our load balancer set up and I keep getting SSL certificate errors. Here's a breif summary of our setup. I've got two View connection servers (VCS1 and VCS2) with SSL certificates from our internal Certificate Authority. Then there is our load balancer. When you use the VMware View Client and go to the load balancer's address view.company.com, I get "The hose name in the certificate is invalid or does not match". I click on "Show certificate" and it's showing the certificate from one of the two View connection servers. Did I mess something up with the setup, or am I missing an obvious solution? Any help would be appreciated.