Dear Community,
I'm just in progress to learn the basics about the View environment.
At this point i'm trying to understand some conceptional questions regarding the use of the View clients.
Until today we are using Terminal Server VM's for our customers in order to have dedicated or even shared systems.
There are several matrix tables showing the recommended CPU, Memory and disk dimensions according to the numbers of users on the TS.
This means it was quite clear for me how to design the VM's.
With the View environment in the future we would like to replace the TS VM's by using VDI.
At this point there are many questions left for us like how to size the client master VM, but also what kind of pool to choose?
If we size the master client VM with 1 vCPU, 1GB Memory and 60GB Disk, does this means, if our (linked clone) pool contains a max. of 30 available and online client vm's, our ESX resources will consume
30vCPUs, 30GB Memory and 1.8TB Disk?
Thanks for any hints.
Regards thodie