Hi guys, I'm new to VMware Horizon View. I followed vTexan's awesome guide and everything is going great, especially because I am doing everything from scratch. I finished setting up a pool of desktops and I have a bunch of Wyse thin clients ready to go, except one problem:
The Desktop in my Pool all get a 169 IP. If you do a ipconfig renew, it can't contact the DHCP server. If you assign a known to work IP to it, it still won't work. I tried typical things like winsock reset, tcp ip stack reset, remove and readd the network adapter, changing the network adapter from e1000 to VMXnet, no luck. However, one thing fixes it.
If I take the MAC address of my Master Image (it has working internet) and set it onto my Desktop in my Pool, it gets a proper working IP.
So a workaround for me would be to create many many new installations of Windows vm, take their MAC address, and use it for my Pool of Desktops, but this is crazy tedious if I have 10+ in my pool. I know this may or may not be a VMware issue, maybe it is the switch in my building's network blocking something but I hope someone here can chime in.
Thank you!