Hello, I've read a lot of posts on this issue already and have tried many of the suggested resolutions that I have come across. I have somewhat of a unique configuration that I am hoping to get working. We have two domains (A and B) set up with a one-way trust. I know vmware says you need a two-way trust, but the authentication functionality is working fine with our configuration, it's just that we are getting a black screen when using PCOIP from Domain A. RDP works fine. Here is our network diagram.
Users are in domain A and will log into a VDI desktop residing in domain B. For security reasons, there cannot be a two-way trust and Domain B must be as isolated as possible. The users are on the same network as the 1st nic on the connection server and the workstations are on the same network as the second nic of the connection server. Using this configuration I can successfully establish a an RDP based connection, but I get the black screen with PCOIP. If I do a test by trying to connect from a computer within the 10.1.x.x network PCOIP sessions work. If anyone has any sugestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.