hi team, I am deploying horizon view 5.2 and got some problem, can anyone advise please? Thanks!
I have a vcenter vm, a composer vm, an AD, and a connection server VM. I created a auto pool with full vm and I can login from other pc with view client. but when I created a link clone automatic pool, it stuck at customizing or provision. the pilot environment has a separate DNS server , so I have to configure a static IP address on the vm before it can ping connection server host name. but even after this, the view client still complain no resource available for this link pool. the agent version shows unknown.dns and user shows blank . status shows agent unreachable , or , No network communication between the View Agent and Connection Server. Please verify that the virtual desktop can ping the Connection Server via the FQDN. Pairing state:In pairing... Configured by:horizon.3dnetworks.com.sg Attempted theft by: thanks!.