We have a Citrix Web Access Gateway VPN solution.
We published the VMware View 2.3.3 client in XenApp.
Users from outside access the Citrix VPN page, launch View, then connect to a server and pool. Windows 7 x64 machines.
Mouse movement is erratic, but ONLY with the main pointer. Hourglass, text selection, and other cursors move fine.
Changing the Mouse Pointers to none doesn't make any difference (fix for the same issue through RDP instead of View Client).
Instead we found that changing the Mouse Pointers to "Windows Inverted" instantly fixes the issue.
It's not latency. Since the other cursors all move fine (and right now reproducing with > 1ms latency).
If it's Citrix, why are only some themes affected, and why one on RDP, and another on View?
Anyone run into something similar to this?