Running vSphere 5.0
VMware View 5.1
Windows 7 32-bit
Wyse P25 zero clients
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit
Both persistent & non-persistent pools
I am slowly converting users from physical Dell Optiplex desktops to the VDI environment described above. I have been receiving phone calls from our virtual users that they are locked out of their sessions and it's giving them the message their password is expired. It does not give them the normal pop up bubble from Windows 7 warning them their password is going to expire in XX number of days. I recently started receiving the notice on my physical desktop so I signed into one of our floating pools and did not receive the notice. I did the rsop.msc command on the virtual desktop to review what policy parameters were successfully pushed down. The line "Interactive logon: Prompt user to change password before expiration - 14 days" was there. The only difference is that my physical computer is in a different OU with a different policy (although all policies do have that specific line). BUT one of my coworkers is assigned a dedicated virtual desktop that has all of the same policies for both the user and computer as the floating pooled machines do and he does get the notification where the floating assigned users do not. So the only difference I can see now is between the floating and dedicated pools which I don't understand how that would affect this notification other than a potential disconnect between the Windows session and the initial log in through VMware view. Has anyone else ran into this type of issue?